Make unlimited free phone calls to most popular destinations in the world for free using Voxox

Voxox free calls in India offerIt has been long time since a VoIP service provider offered Free Calls to India. We are continuously looking for such free phone calls or free internet call offers, and as soon as we find something worth the time and hassle we post it. If you haven't tried the pingo offer yet you are about to miss a great offer. They are offering 80% off their rates. That is you pay $1 to get $5 worth of calling credit which is 256 minutes to India. To get that offer register now and do not forget the coupon code is onebuck.

So today we bring you a VoIP Solution by a VoIP service provider called Voxox. Voxox has been there for a long time with some nice calling plans for USA, Canada and even worldwide plans. They also have PAYG (pay as you go plans) which is what we are going to concentrate on.

Free $1 worth calling credit

When a VoIP service provider wants to draw attention it offers free calls to test its services. We always believe that this kind of publicity is the best publicity. By offering free call credit or free calling minutes a VoIP service provider gain trust of lots of customers who would not try it otherwise. We appreciate Voxox's offer of free $1 worth of calling credit that can be used to make 40 minutes of free calls to India. The call rates to India are 2.5 cents, so do the math if you are skeptical.

How many minutes do we get

We will list a few popular destinations and free minutes that you get using this offer.
CountryFree Minutes
India40 minutes @ 2.5 cents
Pakistan17 minutes @ 5.7 cents
Bangladesh28 minutes @ 3.5 cents
Philippines7 minutes @ 13.5 cents
Iran11 minutes @ 9.0 cents
Romania40 minutes @ 2.5 cents
These are only some popular destinations, you can see a list of rates for all the destinations at their website.

Hot to get Free Phone Calls

To get these free calls you need to follow these steps.
1) You need to visit their registration page and sign up.
2) You will need an email to confirm your registration. Click on the link in the email.
3) At this page you need to enter your phone number. The good part is that you can enter a number from any country. Make sure that you can receive a text on that number because to make calls to landlines and mobile phones worldwide, you'll need to activate your VoxOx Phone. Once your phone is activated you'll get a free phone number and up to $1 of VoxOx Credit. For US users it is $1. For other countries please post how much you got.
4) Download the Voxox application and start making free phone calls.

Is there a hack to get unlimited free phone calls worldwide

Yes, there is a hack that we will post soon. We have found a trick that will let you use this service for as long as you want. Try this first and see if you like it. Let us know how was your experience, and if you feel like using it again for free let us know we will post the hack.


  1. Very useful. Please share the hack as well. After all the essence of this community is tips and tricks :)

  2. Very useful. Please share the hack as well.

  3. I had a issue with the dialer. I was not able to hear the other person. I called a cell phone in India. But the call back option worked fine, but that is more costly. If the hack works, then its good. Or else its too costly. Other services are cheaper.
    Thanks for sharing this! Love your site. Already used a couple of offers..Keep it up!

  4. Dear Vikram,
    We are going to post the hack very soon. It is already scheduled for this week.
    Thank you for those nice words.

    Team - Free Calls Hub

  5. hey it asks for credit card details ,but I dont have it , so what should I do ?

  6. This was great though the voice quality is not that great but this did worked for me. This is amazing.

  7. Dear Pankaj,
    Could you please tell us when does it ask for credit card?

    Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it.

    Team - Free Calls Hub

  8. sir actully iam living in india and want to call pakistan , so can i get this free facility from india .

    Niranjan Kataria

  9. Dear Niranjan,
    Yes you can use this offer to call Pakistan number from India. However, since the call rates to Pakistan are high you wont get much time.

    Free Calls Hub

  10. i am really feel good when i got this from you :D, can you please post how to hack this voxox. keep it up sir . . .

    warm regards,

  11. Dear Ronny,
    We already posted the hack. Check the latest posting on that. We have got mixed reviews on our hack, please let us know about your experience about it.

    Team - Free Calls Hub

  12. They have removed calls to Asian countries from their call packages.

  13. i did not get my confirmation no on my mobile help me out i tried it many times did not work

  14. Dear Anony,

    What kind of phone number did you use? It seems the offer is no longer valid for anything but cell phone numbers.

    Team - Free Calls Hub

  15. i could not find how to hack. so can u tell me.
    Thank you.

  16. hello sir .i want to make call to canada .please tell me which is the best

  17. please tell me how to make use of voxox and make calls from net to india.

  18. i am unable to call to any no plxx help me out after downloading ths software..

  19. how to redeem one buck coupon code?


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