Skype for iPhone is now Free over 3G plus adds multitasking

Skype for free over 3G

On the big blog Skype has announced release of its new application for iPhone. There are certain improvements over their last released application in May. If you have an iPod touch, we recommend you to read our post on how to turn your iPod touch into an iPhone. To the best of our knowledge, this news has both good and bad aspects that is if you want to make free phone calls using Skype. It seems like an application which provides you services and claim that they are free, but you invariably pay for these indirectly.

What is new in this app

This new application will allow you to make high quality calls with superior call quality besides supporting multitasking. This means that you can use this application when other applications are running. That is even if you are playing a game you can still receive your skype calls. Moreover, if you already engaged in a conversation you can switch to another task. If that is not enough skype has added support for cool graphics by using Apple's much hyped retina display for iPhone.

No more call charges on 3G

In our recent post on Skype with iPod touch we mentioned that Skype will start charging you for this application after 2010. However, they have decided to let it be free - like best things in life. Please do not think, even for a second, that they have done a generous job. The thing is that when you use your skype over 3G you pay for your data plan. Since there are no more unlimited data plans you have to pay for every byte that you use. Therefore, if Skype lets you use its services over 3G for free it will make AT&T happy by having its customers consume more bandwidth. That is the reason why they claim it to be free to use. 
