Dial faster with Google Voice for Android and Blackberry

Faster Google Voice
Google Voice is now available for a variety of phones including Blackberry and Android. This is not the web application but a client that you can install on your phone. Recently USA government has made it legal to jailbreak your iPhone. This is a good news for those who have an iPhone and want to use Google Voice application. Since there is only one underground application you can now install it on your jailbroken iPhone. Today we are going to talk about the new Google voice application that lets you dial your contacts faster.

What is google voice

Google Voice is a revolutionary service from google . Google Voice allots you a phone number that you can share with your friends. You can now setup this number to ring your phone(s). For instance you can forward all calls on your GV number to your home phone as well as cell phone. Whenever, you will receive a call on your GV number both of your phones will ring. If you are at home you can reply from your home phone thereby saving you some cell phone minutes. Other than that there is a host of features that GV comes bundled with.

How to get Google voice

It is now very easy to get a new google voice account. You can follow our post on how to get Google Voice number without invitation.

Faster Google Voice for Blackberry and android

Google has rolled out a new feature recently. Earlier when you wanted to make calls you had to send your request to Google Server and then you will get connected to your destination by Google Server. Now, Google will allocate a direct number for each of your contacts. This way you bypass the server making the calls little faster. You might not see this feature on your phone as they claim that this is not yet available for 100% of users.

How to get the new application

For Android users

If you are looking for this application for your android phone you can get it from android market. The application is already available there.

For Blackberry users

If you are a Blackberry user you can visit http://m.google.com/voice and the web page will automatically recognize your phone. You will be then be able to download the right application for your Blackberry. This news is straight from horse' mouth
