Love 69? Here comes it free from voip service provider marque directo to worldwide destinations

We have been receiving a lot of emails asking for free trial offers. We hope you all have used free $5 + $4 credit by Pingo. Today, we bring you a new offer that can get you more than one hour of free calls to India. This offer is by, which is a new VOIP service provider. Following the shoe prints of other VOIP service providers they too are offering introductory free $5 credit which you can use to make free calls to worldwide destinations.

In order to get that $5 credit you need to go to their home page and click on start my FREE trial, and fill up the registration form. In the next step they will ask your credit card information. They claim that you will not be charged unless you use their service beyond your free trial. That is, you can cancel the service anytime from your My Account page. There page use "https" that means it is secure too. You Can Also Sign Up By Calling: 1-800-217-8207.

Once you set up your account you can login and add your destination numbers and MarqueDirecto will give you a local number for each of your contacts, that you need to dial in order to connect to your respective worldwide destination.

Note: Make sure you cancel the service once you are done using your $5 credit. 
