Cheap calls to India 2 cents/minute by Reliance India Call

Reliance is a big name in voip industry. They are running a promotional offer where they claim that they are providing calls to India for 1cent/minute. Well, their claim is partly true but when you see the net cost you will realize that the calls actually cost you 2cents per minute. However, since the call quality is unequivocally impressive one might not hesitate to register with them. Recently they made a few changes to their website and service offerings. The main change is going from RelainceIndiaCall to RelainceGlobalCall which, as the name suggests, mean that they now offer voip calling to multiple destinations.

Reliance India Call or Airtel Call Home

If you give a thought to the fact that Reliance has started this service similar to what Airtel did. They are both well known wireless service providers. They wanted to extend their services and hence introduced voip calling to help customers reach their relatives abroad.

What happened to Airtel call home was sad, the question is how long Reliance India Call can keep its lights up. We believe that Reliance will be able to keep up due to two factors:

  1. People are already familiar with their name as cheap phone service provider
  2. Their prices are higher than that of Airtel Call Home thereby increasing their profit levels

Due to these factors they should get a constant inflow of new customers and at those prices they should be able to sustain themselves.

Special Offers by Relaince Global Call

Their special offers could be summarized as below:

  • 1 Call Pack: USD 2.99 150 minutes using local access number
  • 2 days pack: USD 4.99 250 minutes using local access number
  • 7 days pack: USD 6.99 350 minutes using local access number

These offers can be found at their website Reliance Call Home.

Update: This is an old post, these offers might not exiist any more. Please check a recent post on Reliance Global Call to check the newer offers.

They claim that part of money that you pay is admin fee and hence they calculate their rates based on the actual $$s you pay for calls to India. We wonder why would they make it look so deceitful when their service could sell very well even at 2cents/minute. Anyways those were our 2 cents :). We hope this post will be helpful in assessing this service. If you try it out may we ask you to post your experience here?


  1. I have just checked this website and I have found it to be very useful and informative. This website must be helping a lot to its visitors. The information that you have given about Reliance's voip services is really very good. It is not Reliance company which is doing this, nowadays it has become the trend of all companies to deceive the customer's this way.


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